(Beginners) For beginners we recommend the wired / inexpensive Rode SmartLav + microphone. (no adapter necessary)
Download the APP directly from the store. Companies receive a group code. You will receive this group code when you conclude a contract. Your logo and CI are determined by registering with a group code.
Use your smartphone in combination with an optionally available / commercially available gyro stabilizer. The electronic stabilization gives you professional and wobble-free recordings. Our recommendation - depending on the smartphone - the DJI Osmo Mobile 2 or the Zhiyun Smooth 3. (We do not accept any liability for recommendations)
(The average) We optionally recommend (we do not accept any liability for recommendations) a wireless voice transmission solution from Sennheiser (Sennheiser EW 100-ENG G3 GB Wireless Audio System) or the Rode Filmmaker Kit. For smooth use with the wireless version (smartphone + audio radio system) you also need an adapter cable. Our recommendation: Line-level Audio Adapter for iPhone & Smartphones from headsetbuddy.com.
(Beginners) For beginners we recommend the wired / inexpensive Rode SmartLav + microphone. (no adapter necessary)
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